First Battle of Retathon II

Battle over Kortorisa IV


Second battle of Retathon II


Kortorisan-TEC war


December 23, 2009


Retathon II


Allied victory:

  • Techian retreat
  • Inpdendance of Retathon II sustained
  • Kortorisans now supported by Retathon II


Gammeta Gammeta

Flag of the Retathon Civilization Retathon Civilization

Flag of the Yulairian Civilization Yulairian Civilization
Techia Techia
Colonel Phane
Flag of the Yulairian Civilization
Commander Wolf

None stated

735,000 infantry
500 AAMPT/w14 Carriers
50,000 ASU Troopers
300 B12s
200 F15s
60 K-Titans
15 K-HAUs
60 K-HHTs
45 Kortorisan Heavy Trooper Carriers
500 KW-14s
Flag of the Retathon Civilization
500,000 soldier units
Flag of the Retathon Civilization
200 Artillery units
Flag of the Yulairian Civilization
20,000 Stormtroopers
Flag of the Yulairian Civilization
50 TR-21/Ks
890,000 infantry
500 AutoGat Walkers
500 Walker Is
367,000 infantry
2 KW-14 Carriers
2 ASU troopers
20 Kortorisan Heavy Troop Carr
14 KW-14s
Flag of the Retathon Civilization
350,000 infantry
Flag of the Yulairian Civilization
5,300 Stormtroopers
Flag of the Yulairian Civilization
12 TR-21/Ks
645,000 infantry
474 AutoGat Walkers
200 Walker Is
Civilian casualties


The First battle of Retathon II was a battle for against the occupation of Retathon II, a sparsely populated planet, by Techia. It started shortly after the Battle over Kortorisa IV. the Yulairian and Kortorisan Civilization's forces had merged together to assault a TEC base on Retathon II and attempt to free the planet of the enemy's control. The Retathonians gladly helped the Allied assault.

A week later, however, after all foreign forces had left, the Trade Emergency Coalition successfully and quickly regained control of the planet.



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TR-21Ks (MRGs) land near the rendezvous spot.

"Hmm... The communications array is located there..."
"Yes, but, they also have turbo laser emplacements."
" True. But, once we took out their communications, they'd be blind. We'll have to assault it."
Wolf and Kortoris discussing tactics...yet again.

Both forces arrived in a field near where the battle would be held, where together, Wolf and Kortoris Phane plotted strategies and landed what troops that were to be deployed. Once the troops were deployed and positioned, and a battle strategy had been planned, the assault on the TEC base had begun.

Techian attack[]

" Heavy fire, boss! 23 degrees! "
" I see it! Stay low!"
– A pilot and squad leader

TR-21Ks pushing through the enemy lines.

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A TR-21K fires a proton torpedo, destroying the communications array and causing a chain reaction, destroying the command bunker.


A TR-21K flies away after destroying the communications array and the command base.

The first wave of TR-21Ks were sent in to attempt to knock out TEC communications and destroy the TEC command base. The TR-21Ks were able to push through the enemy lines with ease up to the command bunker, where they encountered heavy fire from mounted turrets from both sides. After several strafing runs of key areas, they started attack runs on the communications array. The second gunship sent through was able to get through and destroy the communication system, which created a chain reaction, obliterating the command bunker. Once the communications were down the troops began the assault on the rest of the base.

Craft combat[]

"A few dozen bogies just came up-- "
"I can't see 'em!"
"Pick up your visual scanning!"
– Several TR-21K pilots

As the TR-21Ks covered the advancing troopers, many unknown signals had come up. Several dozen TEC aerial fighters had soon come from the city and overwhelmed the TR-21Ks. Completely caught off guard, they had destroyed most of the TR-21Ks, the ones that survived had to soon retreat back to the rendezvous point.

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A TEC atmospheric fighter attacks a TR-21K

Allied retreat[]

"All ground troops have been ordered to retreat! Red Squadron! Cover our transports! "
" Yes, sir! Red 3, Red 4, pull in!"
– A Kortorisan Officer and Red Leader

After the TR-21Ks were forced to retreat, the ground forces were recalled when the TEC had launched a counter-attack of troops they had stationed in the capital city. Once the remaining ground forces were recovered the Kortorisan transports left, while the TR-21Ks stayed behind to cover them. Once the transports were clear the TR-21Ks had made a run for it as well.


The remaining TR-21Ks retreat, being pursued by TEC atmospheric fighters.

Back at the fleet[]

Kortoris was very upset that they had lost since the Retathonians had counted on them. After listening to Kortoris, Wolf had jumped out of the hanger of a Kortorisan ship with his Nova armor on and a small personal shield generator, fell through the atmosphere and had landed on the planet's surface. He then trekked to the city, places the shield generator down, converted his armor's remaining Nova into it and had blown a charge he had laid earlier which was the equivalent of a nuclear explosion. The city had survived due to the Nova-powered shield, and the city was soon secured by Kortorisa IV. Wolf had suffered major injuries, but had soon healed.


A single week after the battle, on December 30, 2011, the Trade Emergency Coalition forces attacked the planet once more and successfully reoccupied it. It is part of their National Empire today, however demonstrations are occuring concerning independance.
